Wednesday, December 3, 2008

.:Down on the corner, out in the street the poor boys are playin' so bring a nickel and tap your feet:.

Although it was unbearably difficult to sleep last night, this morning has been nice. Gina is taking the GRE as I write this, and I got to take her car for the next few hours. I'm weighing the consequences of whether I should run errands or sleep for a little while. Running errands would be most beneficial as I have not done any since Saturday (and I'm somewhat an errand-aholic), but I'm already in my bed, yawning. I can see how this is going to play out.

Cleanliness has never been my forte, but my home is turned upside down. In attempt to organize my guest/studio/sewing/office room, I took everything out of it. I would rather just leave it out (i.e. throw it all away), but I do need most of the things that were in there. My discernment for what I do not need is forever lacking, but since this situation is somewhat stressful and extremely counter productive as I am unable to sew in these conditions, I may need to make some decisions soon.

I enjoy this time in the morning where I can sit and think. It's really quiet, I usually have coffee, and I am able to put a ton of thought into my day when I have a full morning. I write a lot during this time, so it feels really nice. I enjoy writing much more than I ever imagined I would, though I would like to keep it as a hobby.

Since starting over with taking care of myself, I've implored my friends (and acquaintances alike) to spend time with me actively. I've sent mass text messages about Happy Hour Yoga on Mondays and Wednesdays, informed my friend Fido of $5 Salsa lessons on Wednesdays and Sundays, whored up a guy at Vox's Facebook wall with tennis-related inquiries, and made plans to walk with some of my really awesome friends. I've gone on 2 walks this week and today will make 3, and it gives me a sense of pride in the fact that I have such wonderful people who earnestly wish for me to be healthy and are genuinely interested in joining my efforts. For some reason, though, I really, really want to do yoga with Heather! I just have this idea that yoga with her would be enlightening or something - I'm not sure what is going through my mind, really - but I get excited at the thought of busting out in tree pose with Heather P.J. I'm strange.

Through First Samples, I met a sweet, sweet lady named Amanda. She is the owner of Montage, an eco-friendly and vintage women's clothing shop. Yesterday, I met with her because she was interested in displaying my photography in her store. We looked through my existing work, and overall, I wasn't as impressed with my old photography. I was, however, inspired to embark on a new photography experiment involving shoes. She doesn't sell shoes in her store (that I noted, but maybe she does), and I think it would be interesting to have photos of shoes in the store while she does not exclusively sell them. I hope this works out. It's great to be inspired again! It makes me feel whole.

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