Sunday, October 12, 2008

.:It gets harder and harder, Lorraine, to believe in magic, honey, when what came before is just so very tragic:.

Magic. . . I've missed that in my life for the past few months, it seems. It's nice to rediscover my very own world every now and then, and I've learned from this experience that if a situation between myself and someone else is correct, then I will not miss my world quite so much. This has been a lesson I've slowly realized, but as I take a slow drive around my neighborhood, breathing in the Sunday barbecues, allowing the wind mess up my freshly cut locks, and seeing each fence that is perfectly rusted and overgrown with new life, I forget all of these lessons I'm supposed to learn and exist only in those moments. My neighbors are grilling out today, and part of me want to walk down the street, meet them face to face for the first time, and enjoy being with them. For some unknown reason, I did not do this, but I'm confident that I will one day soon.

My new friend is quite a character. He reminds me a bit of Will from "About a Boy" because when I met him and asked him what he does, he said, "I do nothing." Really. I find that impeccably interesting. Then again, I would, wouldn't I?

Last night, my co-worker Kimberly and I went on a ladydate to Serrano's and then to see "The Laramie Project" because my other co-worker Randy is in the play. Bottom line: Incredible. Randy is gifted as an actor, and I was so proud of him every single line he had (which were quite a lot, actually). Later on, I got a text from him while I was in bed saying that he and some of his cast members were at the Peacock Lounge, which is a block away from where I live. I jumped out of bed, put on a random dress, got some boots on my feet, and started the trek. Less than 5 minutes later, I was there. I expressed my extreme appreciation for each person's talent, and some really interesting discussion about religion and homosexuality fostered during our time at the Peacock. Randy, Philip (cast member), and I went to my house after I got semi-felt up by a random, lonely, drunk dude I was trying to talk to just to see if he was alright and/or in need of a ride. (Not cool, meditating inebriated guy whose name is Chris. Hmmm. . .) We all talked a bit more about acting, AIDS, and other fun stuff before they went home. It was so great to hang out with Randy again, but I know that he has grown a lot from this play and what it means to him now. He's also able to do something he's passionate about, and I couldn't be more excited for him.

I'll write more on this later. I have to get ready for work now.

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